I am happy to answer any questions, bookings or collaborations, please contact me
+46 07344614 (responds only to sms)
info@monication.se (fill in the form below)
Monica Thengberg

About me
"I love being in creative energy, it makes me feel alive"
It has always been natural for me that there is something more and bigger than ourselves. Something we can not touch and understand with our mind and our logic.
My interest in holistic thinking began early. After working in school medicine for over 13 years (Usk and nurse), I switched to working with my own practice in alternative medicine / wellness. It was many years, more than 25 in fact. Also ran my own store in Kungsbacka for five years with products for well-being and enjoyment of life and also time and space for treatments / therapies
At the end of 2016, life took a different direction, into the "famous wall". The way back is instructive to say the least. From this life experience, insights have come and come how I should "solve" my way of working.
And the nice thing is to "get back" to myself. By starting with different art forms and creations, I get closer to what I want to do. Now I am here, an exciting and at the same time challenging journey has started and I am so GRATEFUL for that
Monica 💙